Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.


Prep: 25 mins

Cook: 20 mins

Total: 45 mins

Cuisine: Asian


Calories: 1578

Fat: 75g

Carbs: 324g

Protein: 62g

Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus. Vestibulum dignissim maximus massa et faucibus. Nullam sodales luctus arcu varius rhoncus. Nam sagittis, lectus sed sodales maximus, turpis ante placerat diam, vitae pellentesque orci odio ut sem. Proin fringilla finibus purus. Aliquam tincidunt nisl ut condimentum maximus. Proin sit amet orci at urna dignissim auctor a vitae tortor. Etiam viverra nibh et posuere eleifend. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam eu mollis ante. Nunc eu lacus fermentum enim volutpat vestibulum. Sed porttitor, diam eget convallis volutpat, arcu tellus facilisis nulla, id dignissim orci leo id diam. Vivamus tincidunt eros sed ligula ultricies tincidunt sit amet at mi. Donec pulvinar pharetra nisi, finibus euismod justo molestie vel. Nullam sit amet enim quis orci sollicitudin tincidunt non eu lorem. Quisque eget mi ac nibh tincidunt pretium. Suspendisse malesuada lobortis augue vitae eleifend. Nunc sed quam sollicitudin, mattis mauris vitae, dignissim tellus. Duis pretium, dui vitae dignissim convallis, sapien est volutpat tortor, eget imperdiet turpis justo non leo. Nulla iaculis leo semper congue elementum. Vestibulum sit amet interdum est.

The Image Gallery

Curabitur consequat magna purus, in aliquet magna rutrum quis. Pellentesque auctor nisl eu nibh tempor blandit. Etiam tristique urna at enim semper, rutrum efficitur leo tincidunt. Proin commodo euismod nisl, a ultrices velit. Nullam odio enim, mollis id augue at, ullamcorper rhoncus metus.

Lorem Ipsum: Just Another Paragraph

Aenean ante erat, iaculis eget tempor quis, molestie vel massa. Integer bibendum blandit arcu, ut ornare nunc egestas et. Proin a malesuada elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi tristique sem sapien, sit amet aliquet nisl efficitur nec. Nullam molestie nisi quis blandit imperdiet. Mauris vel nisl id nisl vestibulum tincidunt eget non mi. Nunc viverra dignissim malesuada. Mauris laoreet, mi quis vulputate maximus, dolor urna posuere velit, et efficitur ex nisl non quam. Vestibulum maximus ante eget purus congue auctor. Fusce ornare odio ac mauris venenatis, et feugiat nulla hendrerit. Vestibulum tellus purus, condimentum eu porttitor in, finibus in nisl. Phasellus rutrum porttitor metus. Nulla euismod, turpis vel dignissim imperdiet, augue nunc luctus diam, eu rhoncus orci eros in nulla. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam at erat ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum: Cras porttitor ex ac accumsan

Proin in eros id tortor scelerisque tincidunt id nec turpis. Donec lobortis dolor ex, ac maximus massa convallis ut. Etiam eu semper tellus, eu vestibulum felis. Vestibulum eget lorem eu risus mattis vulputate. Aliquam enim lacus, ullamcorper non risus eget, pulvinar molestie odio. Mauris sit amet erat ut lacus fringilla scelerisque nec eget tellus. Curabitur sed sapien a magna rhoncus sollicitudin. Aliquam a felis vehicula tellus imperdiet sollicitudin. Quisque gravida libero nisl, vitae porttitor dolor efficitur in. Duis molestie nulla ut diam pellentesque tempus. Curabitur eget bibendum risus. Phasellus leo est, maximus sed condimentum vitae, tincidunt vitae ex.

Phasellus quis cursus lectus, congue viverra ipsum. Integer interdum dignissim efficitur. Sed tempus lorem ut vestibulum placerat. Donec ut dictum magna. Nullam non augue ut arcu finibus fringilla. In ut orci urna. Morbi efficitur eros enim, vel elementum nisl sollicitudin at.

Cras Porttitor ex ac Accumsan Tristique

Nullam lobortis risus vitae tempus placerat. Etiam eros velit, hendrerit vel ultrices quis, commodo vulputate libero. Praesent rutrum sollicitudin odio, in molestie ligula. Cras varius lobortis semper. Morbi hendrerit hendrerit tincidunt. Nulla lacus dolor, cursus ut fringilla sed, semper vestibulum risus. In ac nulla dapibus, blandit purus et, luctus magna. Vestibulum ultrices convallis egestas. Pellentesque tristique magna sed ipsum consectetur tristique at tincidunt massa.


For Your

Lorem Ipsum: Important Details

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam nec ex vitae orci convallis molestie non vel lacus. Aenean ut massa ligula. Praesent pretium, ante a blandit tempus, nulla nisl ullamcorper ante, ut lobortis diam massa eleifend neque. Vivamus sodales lorem at ultricies ultrices. Maecenas dictum ipsum eu augue viverra congue. Donec non porttitor magna, vel fermentum lectus. Suspendisse non eleifend ante.


Quisque blandit ipsum a mi semper pretium. Etiam sodales lectus et fermentum malesuada. Aenean id vehicula magna, vel iaculis nibh. Sed maximus in ante sed luctus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas at tincidunt odio, maximus hendrerit dui. Aliquam blandit mattis ultrices.e.

Phasellus in nunc et diam efficitur. (H4)

Pellentesque id libero pellentesque, egestas sapien tempor, lacinia arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque nec fringilla arcu. Nullam bibendum commodo ante quis rutrum. Mauris dolor felis, eleifend ac massa et, ornare vestibulum turpis. Cras eget porta tortor,

Nullam lorem odio, sagittis eget molestie (H5)

Sed convallis, ligula non varius accumsan, sapien metus ullamcorper odio, sed cursus dui lacus vel ex. Nam id quam a justo varius scelerisque sed ut quam. Mauris interdum non sem vel maximus. Vestibulum augue nunc, rhoncus dictum posuere mollis, gravida et dolor. Curabitur tristique vitae urna sit amet sagittis. Phasellus pulvinar ut augue ac imperdiet. Aenean congue lectus a neque aliquam, vitae rhoncus neque commodo.

Full Recipe in Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tristique dapibus metus, et bibendum nunc egestas et. Suspendisse interdum in nunc in dapibus. Duis faucibus sem in suscipit volutpat. Etiam a magna et felis malesuada euismod.

  • Cuisine: Asian

  • Prep Time: 25 mins

  • Cooking Time: 20 mins

  • Total Time: 45 mins

  • Calories: 1578

  • Fat: 75g

  • Carbs: 324g

  • Protein: 62g

  • 1/2 Curabitur consequat magna purus

  • 1.3 Ltr Donec tincidunt posuere ornare

  • 2 Tablespoon Nulla vel efficitur erat

  • 1 Large donec blandit dignissim quam ac feugiat

  • 1/4 Vestibulum scelerisque eu mi ut aliquet

  • 3.4g Fusce a orci vel purus rhoncus

  • Pellentesque nec molestie velit. Nulla sollicitudin dictum nibh, non blandit orci rhoncus in.

  • Mauris massa felis, vehicula eget quam sit amet, rhoncus molestie orci. Duis consectetur nulla a molestie gravida.

  • Sed vehicula imperdiet mauris, mollis ullamcorper purus maximus posuere. Maecenas egestas non urna non ultricies.

  • Donec pulvinar eget sem eget luctus. Donec gravida lectus id tortor gravida ultrices. Curabitur et nisi ac ipsum auctor lacinia. Phasellus finibus justo sit amet interdum porta.

  • Pellentesque nec molestie velit. Nulla sollicitudin dictum nibh, non blandit orci rhoncus in.

  • Sed vehicula imperdiet mauris, mollis ullamcorper purus maximus posuere. Maecenas egestas non urna non ultricies.


Nam dictum commodo ex, et euismod nibh tempor ac. Aliquam fringilla vel odio vitae vestibulum. Nullam a feugiat est. Vivamus aliquet mattis ligula, quis molestie urna conse vitae.

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Prepared and updated periodically by John L. Foy

Select wines in this post

Like Linus, the Peanuts character, we all have the equivalent of a blue security blanket that gives us comfort. For some of us, that’s a familiar wine. Unknowingly at first, we attach ourselves to specific varieties such as chardonnay or sauvignon blanc, merlot or malbec. Then, we consciously choose specific regions or wineries, such as New Zealand sauvignon blanc or Argentine malbec. And after that, we lock up our palates.

When I owned Sonoma Grill, there was a patron who always ordered California chardonnay with her Friday night dinner. But not just any California chardonnay; she drank only Sonoma-Cutrer. One Friday, I left the kitchen and brought the wine book to her table. I told her it included more than 500 selections and she could have any one of the 499 that were not Sonoma-Cutrer. Panic ensued. I told her we would open one bottle at a time until she found a wine that she liked. And she would be charged for only that bottle. After five or six bottles, she found one that she liked. Then, she repeated that choice for another year or so, before I reinstated the John Foy No Drinking the Same Wine Policy.

So, consider this article your Friday night lecture—without the 500-bottle list. And I’ll make it even easier for you by noting some wines you should explore. (After all, we are on this odyssey together, right?).

Albarino is a grape that thrives in Riax Baixas (Ree-ahs Buy-shuss), the appellation in Spain’s northwest corner where the Atlantic Ocean’s damp, rainy climate gives way to warm, drier summers. Vines are trained on wires about six feet above the ground (pergolas), providing ventilation after the rains, and helping thwart mildew, rot and other humidity-loving diseases.

A few weeks ago, I was delighted by the sea salt and seashell scent of the 2015 Pazo Senorans Rias Baixas Albarino.  Its medium body delivers tasty, white fruit with mild acidity. Try this pleasing wine with your favorite shrimp dish. 88 points. Prices range from a good value $17 to a not-so-advantageous $24.

2014 Chateau de Parenchere Bordeaux Blanc

Most people see red when thinking of Bordeaux, but you’ll be charmed with a white counterpoint: the 2014 Chateau de Parenchere Bordeaux Blanc. It’s made from a blend of 70 percent sauvignon blanc and 15 percent each of semillon, and the little-known muscadelle. Sauvignon blanc’s grassy and thyme aromas burst from the glass. Bright lemon-lime flavors are balanced with a mild, white-peach taste from the muscadelle, and semillon contributes its soft, pear personality. Excellent balance and length, and its price, make this a must-have everyday white wine. 92 points. Great value at $15.

In October, representatives of the Lugana Consorzio, president Luca Formentini, and director Carlo Veronese, presented a selection of white wines at Manhattan’s outstanding Il Buco Alimentari & Vineria restaurant. The Lugana appellation is at the southern end of beautiful Lake Garda in northern Italy—just northwest of Verona--and is exclusively for white wine.

The wines are made from turbiana, which was thought to be a variety of trebbiano di soave, and called trebbiano di Lugana, but recent DNA testing has shown it to be a variety of verdicchio.

The 2015 Ca Lojera Lugana is pure turbiana. The wine displays pungent floral and lime aroma; rich apple and citrus fruit flavors are underlined by a mild vanilla taste. Its minerality gives length and balance. It was pleasant with an appetizer of raw Hamachi, capers and trout roe. 89 points.  Retail is a good-value $16 to $19.

Second-label Bordeaux wines are not familiar territory to a lot of wine drinkers, but they should be. Nearly all chateaus produce at least two wines: the chateau-labeled bottle and a second wine, usually made from grapes of younger vines and barrels of quality wine, but not at the level the winemaker wants for the estate wine. In good-to-great vintages, the second wine offers excellent value as it is priced two-thirds to three-quarters below the first label.

2012 Les Cadrans

The 2012 Les Cadrans de Lassegue, St. Emilion Grand Cru is a case in point. Winemaker and co-owner Pierre Seillan selects specific blocks of the vineyard to harvest and vinify for the second-label Les Cadrans de Lassegue. The 2012 vintage was wet in the spring, drought-dry in August, and the autumn harvest mixed days of sunshine and rain. Such years are referred to as a “winemaker’s vintage.”

It was also a year where merlot--the primary grape in St. Emilion and Pomerol-- did better than cabernet sauvignon and cabernet franc. Seillan blended 90 percent merlot with seven percent cabernet sauvignon and three percent cabernet franc, producing a pleasantly blackberry, earthy, and mild toasted-scented wine. Plum and pomegranate flavors, wrapped in soft tannins, makes the 2012 Les Cadrans de Lassegue eminently drinkable and immediately enjoyable. Just what second-label wines are meant to be. 88 points. Retail pricing is $22 to $36, about one-third the cost of Chateau Lassegue.

Ribera del Duero is one of the Spanish appellations that pushed Rioja to the sidelines for some wine consumers. But for others, it is unknown. Located on a northern plateau, it has the highest altitude (and some attitude) in Spain.

One of the leading wineries in Ribera del Duero is Bodegas Emilio Moro established in 1989 and now led by its third-generation winemaker Jose Moro. Bodegas Cepa 21, a new project of the Moro family, opened its doors in 2007. The wine it produces is made only of tinto fino, a local variety of tempranillo grown in the winery’s highest vineyards. Knowing the heavier style of Ribera del Duero and Moro’s legacy wines, I poured the Cepa 21 into a decanter.

In its first hour of aeration, the 2014 Bodegas Cepa 21 Ribera del Duero Tempranillo offered a black-cherry hue, with cinnamon, and blackberry aromas, and ripe, blackberry fruit flavor. Then the expected transformation occurred as elegant blackberry, cedar and black-pepper aromas appeared and delicious blackberry, peppery fruit flavors with integrated tannins emerged. Even though the wine contains 15 percent alcohol, there was not the slightest hint of it as I enjoyed it with lamb chops and sautéed mushrooms. 91 points.  Prices range from a remarkable good value $15 to a reasonable $22.

About 70 percent of Italy’s northern Alto Adige wine region’s production is red. Two abundant indigenous grapes are schiava (SKI-ah-vah) and lagrine (la-GRINE as in rhine).


Schiava is Vernatsch in German

The translucent cranberry-colored 2015 Alois Lageder Schiava is from purchased grapes. Lageder captures its traditional cherry aroma, and cranberry and cherry flavors are stitched to a lightweight body. This schiava has an unusually long fruit-flavor with a mineral backbone. 87 points. Retail is approximately $15.

Lagrine is not easy to love. It can have brilliant acidity or bracing minerality, sometime with tangy, red-fruit like gamay, or deeper, richer, chocolate and black-cherry with an edgy, tannic side.

The 2013 Tenutae Lageder Conus Lagrine Riserva is from estate grapes in the biodynamic Magre vineyards. The wine’s dark-red complexion foretells the mix of fruit aromas running from blackberry to red plum to blueberry with a briary undertone. Its medium body carries the mix of fruit flavors exposed in the aromas girded with a mineral, limestone backbone and finish. This is not your plush wine-by-the-glass while waiting at the bar for your table. But after you’re seated, you’ll want the 2013 Tenutae Lageder Conus Lagrine Riserva with lamb shanks. 89 points.  Not yet in our market; it will retail for about $29.

There! Six new wines you didn’t know you wanted to drink! Now, put away that chardonnay and get exploring!

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